Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Football season is here for our little guy and I can’t wait to watch him play! Football means long days, practice almost every day cramming family time in between games. We love it! My little guy blossoms out on the field. One more day and the fun begin.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Taking a break

Taking a break is sometimes necessary .My husband and I took a much needed break from kids and responsibilities this Saturday (Thank god for grandma ).It was our anniversary .We went camping…. It was lovely…. I got to sit by the river,read a good book.Recharged my battery. When was the last time you took time by yourself?

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Snuggle time

Yesterday was full of simple pleasures. From picking black berries… to a movie with popcorn. But my favorite time of the day is snuggle time with my daughter after her bath. She is so wonderful. I feel so blessed. I set aside the time after her bath for her. Jades special time to snuggle and play with mommy before she goes to bed. My son gets time after his sister goes to bed since he stays up later. Do you set aside time everyday to spend just one on one with your children?

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


So….. Yesterday was a hard day. One of those days where it’s hard to find the shining moment that puts it all in perspective .But I am determined to live my life in a positive frame of mind. My favorite moment was watching the kids play in the sprinkler, for a little while they are just kids. Enjoying the water, no arguments, and no demands. It was lovely

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

What's in a Name?

Tiptoeing Joyfully...

Trying to find the little things that make each day joy-filled. 

It can be hard, some days are overwhelming... some days are exhilarating... despite the crazy, I'm on a mission to find small moments each day that remind me why life is so amazing. 

The babies are sleeping, so I'm tiptoeing quietly through life (or at least trying to find those calm, quiet moments mixed in with all the crazy).

Maybe my moments of joy will help shed light on yours.